Price Verification

Price Verification

Price Verification inventory Services

Want to get an objective third-party pricing analysis most important deals without breaking the bank? Look no further. This service is designed for busy stores who need quick benchmark pricing checks for specific deal parameters to provide accurate pricing and peace of mind.

This may well be the most comprehensive and valuable service a retailer will ever experience. Many jurisdictions are coming down hard on retailers when it is found the prices advertised don’t match the prices in the POS system. Using INPRO’s proprietary, internally developed, Price Verification software our customers are presented with a list of all mis-priced items in a retail store of any kind. Mis-priced items are tagged when they are located, which facilitates the customer taking corrective action, or we can even generate new price labels as our crews encounter incorrect prices.

This service may be combined with a INPRO at a lower cost than performing these functions separately. We even offer a very affordable randomized sampling, on a monthly basis, to give management a quick snapshot of potential problems.

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